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Saturday, 20 April 2013

Small Scale Industries Idea For Particle Board

Particle board manufacturing process

Particle Board is an engineered wood and agricultural waste product. It is manufactured from wood chips, saw dust,bagasse,coconut shell waste,rice husk, cotton stalk and many other agricultural waste with suitable binder resin.

Particle board has been in use since the 1940s, often used in place of the more expensive plywood as sub flooring or instead of natural hardwoods in furniture manufacturing.Particle board uses in furniture ,Photo lamination ,interior decoration etc.

The process of making particle board begins with real wood. Most particle board manufacturers use waste wood products collected from commercial woodworking factories







Detail Of Machinery For Particle Board Manufacturing

 Hydrolic Hot Press Machines

 Hydrolic Hot Press Machines

Mixer Machine
LOCO Boiler
Package boiler
DD Saw Machine
DD Saw Machine
Mat Forming Machine
Dryer Machine
Dryer Machine


Particle Board From Rice Husk


What is RICE HUSK? 

Rice husk is an agricultural residue. The outer layer of the paddy grain is the rice husk. It is  also called rice hull. It is separated from the brown rice in rice mills. Rice husk is produced in the first step in the milling process when the husk is removed form the grain Around 20% of the paddy weight is husk. There are some uses for rice husk, but it is still  considered a waste product  and therefore  either burned it or dumped on wasteland. 


The process of manufacturing rice husk Particle Board is similar to that of bagasse particle board. Particle board is manufactured by mixing wood particle or bagasse with suitable binder resin like urea formaldehyde or phenol formaldehyde(in case of water proof Particle Board) But in rice husk particle board urea formaldehyde resin is useless due to high silica content in rice hull. So there is a specially design strong bonding resin  used in manufacturing rice husk particle board.

Once the resin has been mixed with the rice husk, the liquid mixture is made into a sheet. A weighing device notes the weight.The sheets formed are then hot-compressed under pressures between two and three mega pascals and temperatures between 140 °C and 220 °C for 5 to 10 minutes according to thickness. This process sets and hardens the glue.The boards are then cooled, trimmed and sanded. They can then be sold as raw board or surface improved through the addition of a wood veneer or laminate  surface. 

Rice Husk Particle Board Applications/Uses

Rice husk particle boards can manufactured in various densities, thickness and grades to suit wide range of applications. Some of them are:-

(1) Door Paneling   (2) Furniture    (3) Table Top

(4) False Ceiling       (5) Insulation   (6) Partition.

(7) Photo Lamination (8) Speaker Box (9)Flooring

(10) Low Budget Home.

Rice Husk Particle Board Properties.

There are some properties of rice husk particle board below.

(1) Fire resistance (2) Water resistance

(3) Termite resistance (4) Decay resistance

(5)Borer resistance

And many other technical properties when compare to other material particle boards.

 I hope you will find this blog helpful and

informative .Please feel free to share your comments

Project Report For Particle Board Business

Project Report For Particle Board Industry.

For 8'x 4' Size,7 Delight-Hydraulic Hot Press Manual Plant
Mandatory Machinery:- (Large Scale)

Machinery                        Approx Amount.(Rs)

Hydraulic Press               12,00,000
Boiler                                  5,00,000
DD Saw                               1,00,000
Blender                               1,00,000
D.G. Set(40kw)                   3,00,000
Others tools                       3,00,000
Working Capital               15,00,000 
 Total:-                              40,00,000

Optional Machinery :-                                

Machinery               Approx Amount.(Rs)

Dryer-                       10,00,000
Mat Formation
Machine-                  10,00,000
Total:-                      20,00,000    

Return On Investment:   50% P.A.

and suggestions that may help me improve this blog.


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