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Friday, 24 May 2013


Small business financing: where will the money come from?

What Are the Best Sources of Small
Business Financing?

An important aspect of your business is obtaining the funds you will need to begin operating.
What are the best sources of small business financing? When opening a small business, especially if you are a beginner or don't have much to spend, start your business off small, avoiding large, possibly needless expenditures of money, and getting into deep debt.
Personally, I have never had to borrow money for a small business. Too many expenses, especially in the form of debt, is a main reason for small business failure.

Use resources that you already have, from your old automobile to your personal computer. Use skills you have learned from your college education, interests, hobbies, work experience. Rather than taking out a loan, use your savings
and present salaried job as the best sources for your small business financing. Unless you are that rather rare individual who is independently wealthy, stay with your present job until your small business is well able to support you full-time.

Other Good Sources of
Small Business Financing

Often an excellent source of small business financing will be friends and family, as well as fools (anyone willing to make a risky investment). Present them with your business plan and offer them the opportunity to invest in your business. These people are much more likely to invest in a business than institutions such as banks or credit unions.
Beware! There are lots of ads out there, especially on the Internet, ads about millions and millions of dollars available in free government grant money for small businesses, free just for the asking. For most small business hopefuls this just isn't true. You are wasting your time and money by going to such websites and subscribing to their offers.
Many, if not most of them, are scams, owned by greedy, dishonest people just out to get your hard earned money, which becomes their easy money, and without giving you any profitable return for it.
But regardless, information about grants should is readily available, free information. You do not have to pay someone to furnish it to you.
From what I understand, grants for starting a business, for women owned businesses, for minorities, and so on, are mostly provided by some non-profit organizations, some state or local governments, and only if certain specific qualifications are met.
For the safest, best, most reliable and upfront information on small business grants, including government grants for small business, small business grants for women, small business loans, and other possible financing for your small business, go to the following free resource:
The Small Business Administration is the largest backer of small businesses in America, having helped over 20 million businesses. The SBA is also the best source you will find for information and help in securing good small business loans.
If they can't help you probably nobody can! They even offer free training programs in small business start-up. They're a great first stop-off for all kinds of valuable information and help on opening a small business.


Yes! a FREE list of genuine
wholesale companies!

The following free list contains some great wholesale companies, including a few wholesale drop shippers, that are easy to deal with, provide exceptional value, are very reliable, and sell in small enough quantities to make it worthwhile for small resellers that want to sell on eBay or elsewhere.
By the way, I'm not affiliated with any of these wholesale companies. I might use some of these myself, as a wholesale merchandise source, but I am in no way affiliated with any of them for a profit. This list of wholesale companies is for your benefit only.

Finding genuine wholesale merchandise is not always that easy. One reason for that is that many wholesalers are "wholesale" in name only. They are actually retailers in disguise, masquerading as true wholesale companies.
There are many wholesale drop shippers that offer name-brand merchandise and will charge you an extra fee, usually monthly, for example, $14.95/month (or more), to join their drop shipping program. Personally, I avoid these because most are not worth it, usually not fair enough in price to allow you to make a good enough profit on places like eBay or 
Especially if you are a beginner and low on cash, you will want to be very careful spending your money unnecessarily. Be patient, search for good wholesale drop-shippers that offer quality merchandise and don't charge you an arm and a leg to profit from their website. It may take a while but you will find good ones. 
PLEASE NOTE! If, in the following list of wholesale companies, they require you to buy at least a pallet load of merchandise, always check the cost for shipping a pallet load to you before you buy.
As with all this merchandise, you always want to research the products first on to make sure it is selling well. If it is selling well on eBay, then it will should be popular to sell elsewhere too.

Super buys on name brand wholesale computers and other great merchandise. They have online sales and wholesale auctions of commercial surplus inventory and government surplus assets in bulk by truckload, pallet, or small package. Their merchandise comes new in a box, customer returns, used/reconditioned. is a great place to shop for your wholesale needs. Warning: Make sure you always check the shipping cost before bidding or purchasing at Liquidation.Com.

Heritage Seedlings
This is a great wholesale source of very small, mostly ornamental, trees and other plants. Heritage specializes in unusual deciduous species. If plants are your business you really should check them out. You won't be disappointed here! Heritage seedlings is a family run organization.

JD Closeouts
JD Closeouts sells merchandise mostly by pallet, lots, and truckloads, quality surplus merchandise, including a good supply of wholesale computers, wholesale laptops, and other electronics. JD receives excess merchandise, liquidated goods, and store returns from department stores and catalog companies in the United States and then sells this surplus merchandise mostly to eBay sellers and small businesses.
They ship their closeout merchandise throughout the USA and export them around the world. If you can afford to purchase their merchandise by at least the pallet, they are an excellent source of good, cheap products, affording you a high mark-up for selling on eBay,, flea markets (swap meets), or where ever.

Silver Source, Wholesale Jewelry
Silver Source has quality wholesale silver jewelry supplies at excellent prices. They supply a variety of natural wholesale gemstones including Amethyst, Garnet, and fine grade cubic zirconium. Their cubic zirconium is guaranteed 925 sterling silver purity.

Border Leather
Border Leather Corporation began in Tijuana Mexico in the early 1960s. They produce hand-made, high quality leather products at very good wholesale prices. They have a great line of motorcycle leathers and saddlebags that can earn high markups on eBay, as well as hand-made leather purses, belts, backpacks, duffel bags, hats, gun holsters, and much more.

Premier Products International
An Service Provider. Premier Products International was created over twenty years ago. They have a great selection of products, including much that is wholesale, name brand merchandise. Premier is very easy to deal with and they have an excellent drop-shipping program.

Killer Beads
Family company of 15 years, youth oriented, international wholesale company and manufacturer of unique, licensed wholesale jewelry, accessories, incense, hemp, and other gifts from around the world.

Accessories Palace
Has been serving the wholesale merchandise community for over 14 years. They have in stock over 1000 items, including party supplies wholesale, great supply of cheap wholesale jewelry, hair accessories, toys, novelties, bandanas, key chains, poly resin figures, magnets, handbags, cloths, shoes, watches, and much more.
They have a nice selection of Disney license products. All their merchandise is at genuine wholesale prices. One of the best of wholesale companies that supplies great products for store fronts, garage sales, swap meets. Accessories Palace is well worth checking out!

World Distributors
World Distributors has been in business for overseas 33 years, catering to sellers on eBay, garage sales, and flee markets. They have a large array of wholesale merchandise including an excellent selection of large fiber optic figurines, touch lamps, and more. They have very good prices. In addition, they're an excellent wholesale drop shipping.

Children's Wholesale
Children's Wholesale has a very good selection of children's cloths and wholesale baby gifts. But be careful, they are a little bit high. Check out their clearance sales for the best deals. This wholesale distributor is worth checking out.

Get That Wholesale
This is not a single wholesale company, but a good FREE wholesale search engine that you can use to find just about any product that you want. Many eBay power sellers use Get That Wholesale all the time. Just click on any one of their product links, for example Cameras, and it will take you to lots of wholesale companies that sell the particular product you are looking for.
The wholesale companies above are some of the best that I've been able to find over the years. However, when using the search engine you are leaving my guidance and suggestions and searching on your own, so beware!


Medical Billing and Coding: A Top
Home Based Business!

The Key to Success is Having

Yes, medical billing and Coding has for many years been a favorite attraction for those looking to start a home-based business. But it is not for everybody and its not an easy business to break into. You have a much better chance of success if you have a passion for the medical field and are presently employed in it.

What is Medical Billing?

Medical billing is the process of making and following up on claims to insurance companies in order to receive payment for services by health care providers. Some doctors manage their own billing as an additional business, while others have hired outside billing services, many of them home-based, to handle their billing.

What is Medical Coding?

Medical Coding refers to the practice of transforming all medical descriptions (such as "broken collar bone" or "hysterectomy") into code form. It's sort of a short hand system, the use of which has been agreed upon by doctors, insurance companies, and others involved. Medical coding is part of the necessary knowledge in medical billing so you must be acquainted with it.

Some Knowledge and Skills Needed to
Succeed in This Field

  • You will need tons of training, at least several months to begin with, in medical coding, medical terminology, drugs and dosages, and other medical billing information. A college education in the health sciences is definitely a plus!
  • In depth knowledge of the laws involving medical insurance plans, especially Medicare and Medicaid.
  • It helps greatly if you have several years experience working at a doctor's office or hospital and already have obtained some knowledge of the medical billing and coding processes.

Medical Billing and Other Home-Based
Business Scams to Avoid

Medical billing has always been very popular with people looking for a good home-based business. As a result, medical billing is also popular with scam artists praying on these people, promising them that medical billing, as a home business, is in high demand, easy to learn and get established in, very lucrative, and that, if they just purchase their software, they will soon have it "made in the shade."
Sorry folks! If you are looking for an easy to get started home-based business, this is just not the one! If you have the brains (it takes more than just some), stamina, a love for the medical field, and persistence, fine, go for it!
Click on link below for an article on home-based business scams, including Medical Billing Scams written by the Federal Trade Commission.

A Medical Billing Home Business? The
Best Approach to Use

If you are serious about getting into the medical billing and coding profession, the safest approach would be to contact your local community colleges, accredited schools or universities to determine if they have a program available in Medical Billing instruction and information on certification requirements.


Start a Home Business doing
Desktop Publishing

What is Desktop Publishing and
Who Can Do It?

Many are predicting that the occupation of Desktop Publishing, or DTP will continue to be one of the fastest growing small business vocations in America. That's because new publishing tools has put such things as book making, newsletter publishing, magazine design, ad layout, manual production, and promotional literature publishing, into the hands of personal computer users who never before had the opportunity to do these things.

Where years ago DTP was really only for a select few, today almost anyone with a love for computers and the graphic arts, sufficient knowledge of writing and web page design, and a desire for this particular field can do it.

Knowledge and Skills
You Will Need

  • Excellent computer skills, ability to design web pages, and familiarity with basic designing techniques is a must.
  • Willingness to further your education by taking courses in college, either at a university or community college, in desktop publishing and related subjects.
  • This is a high energy occupation. Therefore, you need to be a person who is rather active and who loves a challenging vocation and lifestyle.
  • Know WYSIWYG page layout software thoroughly.
  • Excellent communication skills in order to both obtain clients and to be able to discuss with them their objectives and then bring them to their goals. And you will need flexibility and patience in dealing with clients who often change their minds.
Small Business Office Desktop Publishing Photo Compliments of Mike Malitius

Start-up Costs
and Potential Earnings

Your initial investment will probably be beteen $8, 000 and $20,000 or more depending on the quality of the equipment you purchase. However, if you already have much of the equipment needed, your initial outlay may be much less than even the minimum of $8,000. But try to go as cheap as you can until you decide for sure that a small business in Desktop Publishing is right for you.
The following equipment would make for a good starting point:

  • A Mac or PC computer with a large hard disk, a full-page monitor, and removable hard drives.
  • A high-resolution color printer.
  • Desktop pulishing software that includes a minimum of web page design, page layout, word processing, graphics and photo editor, digital camera, drawing, fonts, and clip art.
  • An excellent digital camera. You can pick up a Canon or Nikon digital camera for about $300. Both would make a great starter camera for you.
Typical earnings will range from 40K to 80K per year depending on hours worked. The key to higher earnings is to offer additional services, such as high quality printing, pick-up and delivery, extra-fast service.

First Steps

  • Visit the library, buy books on Desktop Publishing on or
  • You will need to thoroughly learn DTP software, plus photo editing, drawing, and web page design software.
  • Research the subject at the library or on the Internet, take some college courses, or perform intensive self-study. Courses and study material are widely available.
  • Before setting out, determine at least one specialty market that is not being served.


The Gift Basket Business is Booming!

Do you have a desire to start a small business but you're not certain as to what kind? Maybe your a person with some artistic ability, you are really tired of the 9 to 5 grind, you want to leave your present job and start to fly on your own!
Gift Basket. Photo Compliments of Harry and David
Your thinking, "I want to work out of my home, from my garage, from the back yard or patio." You know what?
Increasingly, there are more and more small businesses today that you can do just that. And that's exactly what this website is all about.
A suggestion? If you enjoy working with others as a team and you have artistic ability, there is a popular and often very lucrative small business today, a Gift Basket Business.


Selling Vintage and Antique Items on eBay or Amazon

Selling on eBay can be very exciting and profitable, but only if you have a product that people really want. Otherwise, eBay's high and ever increasing fees and restrictions will first drive you crazy, and then absolutely kill your business.
Selling antiques and vintage items on eBay $ Photo by Lori Stalteri
One product I have found is a hot seller at is some vintage and antique items, "antique" usually meaning merchandise older than 1950s, while "vintage" means 1950s to 1970s.
You can sell all kinds of vintage and antique stuff (my friends and I call it "junk" and when we go out looking for it, we call it "junking") at garage sales and estate sales.
Antique and vintage merchandise can be very, very valuable, some of it worth hundreds or thousands of dollars, some worth much more still.