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Friday, 24 May 2013


Small business financing: where will the money come from?

What Are the Best Sources of Small
Business Financing?

An important aspect of your business is obtaining the funds you will need to begin operating.
What are the best sources of small business financing? When opening a small business, especially if you are a beginner or don't have much to spend, start your business off small, avoiding large, possibly needless expenditures of money, and getting into deep debt.
Personally, I have never had to borrow money for a small business. Too many expenses, especially in the form of debt, is a main reason for small business failure.

Use resources that you already have, from your old automobile to your personal computer. Use skills you have learned from your college education, interests, hobbies, work experience. Rather than taking out a loan, use your savings
and present salaried job as the best sources for your small business financing. Unless you are that rather rare individual who is independently wealthy, stay with your present job until your small business is well able to support you full-time.

Other Good Sources of
Small Business Financing

Often an excellent source of small business financing will be friends and family, as well as fools (anyone willing to make a risky investment). Present them with your business plan and offer them the opportunity to invest in your business. These people are much more likely to invest in a business than institutions such as banks or credit unions.
Beware! There are lots of ads out there, especially on the Internet, ads about millions and millions of dollars available in free government grant money for small businesses, free just for the asking. For most small business hopefuls this just isn't true. You are wasting your time and money by going to such websites and subscribing to their offers.
Many, if not most of them, are scams, owned by greedy, dishonest people just out to get your hard earned money, which becomes their easy money, and without giving you any profitable return for it.
But regardless, information about grants should is readily available, free information. You do not have to pay someone to furnish it to you.
From what I understand, grants for starting a business, for women owned businesses, for minorities, and so on, are mostly provided by some non-profit organizations, some state or local governments, and only if certain specific qualifications are met.
For the safest, best, most reliable and upfront information on small business grants, including government grants for small business, small business grants for women, small business loans, and other possible financing for your small business, go to the following free resource:
The Small Business Administration is the largest backer of small businesses in America, having helped over 20 million businesses. The SBA is also the best source you will find for information and help in securing good small business loans.
If they can't help you probably nobody can! They even offer free training programs in small business start-up. They're a great first stop-off for all kinds of valuable information and help on opening a small business.

1 comment:

  1. I spent years working for a private company and saving money. Now that I have enough money to invest I’m looking for a business for sale brisbane which would cater to my interests.


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