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Friday, 24 May 2013


Medical Billing and Coding: A Top
Home Based Business!

The Key to Success is Having

Yes, medical billing and Coding has for many years been a favorite attraction for those looking to start a home-based business. But it is not for everybody and its not an easy business to break into. You have a much better chance of success if you have a passion for the medical field and are presently employed in it.

What is Medical Billing?

Medical billing is the process of making and following up on claims to insurance companies in order to receive payment for services by health care providers. Some doctors manage their own billing as an additional business, while others have hired outside billing services, many of them home-based, to handle their billing.

What is Medical Coding?

Medical Coding refers to the practice of transforming all medical descriptions (such as "broken collar bone" or "hysterectomy") into code form. It's sort of a short hand system, the use of which has been agreed upon by doctors, insurance companies, and others involved. Medical coding is part of the necessary knowledge in medical billing so you must be acquainted with it.

Some Knowledge and Skills Needed to
Succeed in This Field

  • You will need tons of training, at least several months to begin with, in medical coding, medical terminology, drugs and dosages, and other medical billing information. A college education in the health sciences is definitely a plus!
  • In depth knowledge of the laws involving medical insurance plans, especially Medicare and Medicaid.
  • It helps greatly if you have several years experience working at a doctor's office or hospital and already have obtained some knowledge of the medical billing and coding processes.

Medical Billing and Other Home-Based
Business Scams to Avoid

Medical billing has always been very popular with people looking for a good home-based business. As a result, medical billing is also popular with scam artists praying on these people, promising them that medical billing, as a home business, is in high demand, easy to learn and get established in, very lucrative, and that, if they just purchase their software, they will soon have it "made in the shade."
Sorry folks! If you are looking for an easy to get started home-based business, this is just not the one! If you have the brains (it takes more than just some), stamina, a love for the medical field, and persistence, fine, go for it!
Click on link below for an article on home-based business scams, including Medical Billing Scams written by the Federal Trade Commission.

A Medical Billing Home Business? The
Best Approach to Use

If you are serious about getting into the medical billing and coding profession, the safest approach would be to contact your local community colleges, accredited schools or universities to determine if they have a program available in Medical Billing instruction and information on certification requirements.

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